A seasoned FEI
competitor and trainer, Kelly works with horses and riders who
actively compete at all levels. In 2008, Kelly was the Brentina Cup
Reserve Champion at the Olympic Selection Trials in San Juan Capistrano,
CA. In addition, Kelly had numerous wins at Grand Prix on the
mount Lucifer. Kelly currently shows at Grand Prix and is eager to help
horse and rider partners obtain their goals. Kelly has trained numerous
champion horse and rider pairs, including adult amateurs and
juniors/young riders. A USDF Bronze, Silver and Gold medalist. Kelly
is ready to bring your young horse through the levels, campaign your FEI
horse, and teach ambitious individuals dressage. Please visit
or call 925-980-4083.

Equestrian Center is proud to feature Gina Duran.
Gina's Topline Training, Inc riding program accommodates riders and
horses at all levels of knowledge and competition. She offers
private lessons to competing dressage riders, and those seeking to
improve their horses and their riding through a greater understanding of
dressage techniques. A USDF Bronze, Silver and Gold medalist. Gina is a
certified instructor with USDF with over twenty years experience. Please
www.topline-training.com or call Gina
at 925-858-3933.

Diane Kernodle has created original, standout, winning
freestyles for clients riding First Level thru FEI. Her freestyles
have qualified for both state and national awards with FEI scores
averaging in the 70 percents! She also provided the crowd-pleasing music
for Elizabeth Hendrix's appearances at Dressage in the Wine Country in
both 2003 and 2004. "I get excited about each and every freestyle. I
love what I do!"

Rachel Saavedra is a high performance Grand Prix competitor, trainer,
and instructor. She is a USDF Senior Faculty Member for the
Instructor/Trainer Certification Program, and has been giving USDF
workshops around the US for over 15 years. She has mentored many of the
Bay Area's top dressage trainers as well as successful amateurs from
training level to Grand Prix. She has taught the CDS Amateur Clinic
series multiple times, and offers clinics as her schedule allows. She is
often thought of as a professional's trainer, but she has always worked
with eager amateurs. She is a thinking rider's instructor who builds
long term relationships with her students and horses in training. At
home at Greenville Equestrian Center, Rachel teaches FEI competitors as
well as riders who just want to ride athletically and harmoniously for
their own and their horses' pleasure. She always welcomes riders to come
watch lessons and to join her community of enthusiastic riders at
Greenville. Rachel also has an opening for a new horse in long term
training. She works closely with owners and horses to develop the
horse's full potential and to ensure full engagement and pleasure in the
process for all involved. She looks forward to partnering with a new
horse and owner with high performance dressage aspirations. It is a
beautiful ride! 925-577-7998,
GEC would like
to congratulate Kate Hartmann on her retirement!
Rates & Fees
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